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“Anneke will provide you with the experience of a lifetime. She knows every nook, cranny, mystery, and secret of Cathar country.” ~ Steve Berry, New York Times Best Selling author, known for e.g. "The Templar Legacy" (

"Dear Anneke and Peter, thank you so much for your extraordinary help and dedication during our recent trip to France. I have worked in the tourism business for 20 years and I have been very impressed with your obvious concern for the needs of the clients. You ensured that everything went ahead so seamlessly. You took care of the clients as if they were members of your own family. Everyone on the trip had the highest of praise for you both. I love your social conscience, your very apparent love for what you do and the fact the you genuinely adore the places you brought us to. You brought the past to life with your stories and insights and adapted your commentaries to the interests of the group. Every single detail was anticipated and taken care of by you so no one had to wonder what was happening next. It was great fun and we all wished the journey would never end. It is great to have seen such a wonderful mix of spirituality, compassion and professionalism. From the bottom of my heart I thank you.

With kind regards, ~ Mark Mulvey - Tour Manager Power Places Tours (
"Three weeks of different trip segments with Anneke and Peter has been one of the highlights of my life. Being a historical nerd, I appreciated the depth of knowledge presented. Anneke knows the local legends, the mysteries and myths of the area. She offers so much more than the typical just the facts kind of tours. On one trip, Peter stayed with me all the way up St Baume. It rained all day and the hike up the mountain was painful for me but I was determined. I might have given up without Peter's support. I named him my Grail Knight from that day forward. All of the places we stayed were excellent. Anneke and Peter are a great team and do their utmost best to provide the best experience they can. I would only use their services if I should be able to return to this area. They are the best." ~ Bette Brownlow
I have had three occasions to experience the guidance of Anneke Koremans and I share that she is beyond experienced in both history, wisdom, and practicality. Every need was attended to and her ability to bring the hidden details of history to life was a joy to witness. ~ Marge Richards, The Awareness Group and Author of Inspiring Butterflies (
"Nothing's too hard or too remote for Anneke. She has all the facts and a story for every occasion. Endless care. I've worked with her with a group I've brought and would give her 100%." ~ Colum Hayward, Polair Publishing, White Eagle Lodge (
"Prepare yourself for something wonderful. Anneke will take you on a journey to the heart and soul of your destination, revealing secrets hidden for centuries. I highly recommend her as a tour guide." ~ Murray Davidson

"Anneke is a gem. Her knowledge about forbiden sacred history and her quest for truth is deeply enlightening in the presence of sacred sites as we move towards our inner mystery, she lights up the way." ~ Eve Marie Roy (
"You can have no better guide to the mysteries of Cathar Country than Anneke! Her gentle but passionate manner is matched by her very deep knowledge of all matters Cathar, she truly lives and breathes this wonderful land!" ~ Cameron & Glenn Broughton, Journeys With Soul (
"I take travelers on sacred journeys around the world and in October, I landed in SW France on a special Mary Magdalene quest. After looking extensively for the right guide and tour company, I found Anneke. Anneke was perfect - experienced, professional, knowledgeable, interesting, personable and fun! She shared her heart and her passion for truth while keeping the mystery and mystic alive. And, she graced us with her amazing angelic voice in a few sacred spots! Every day was a Divine adventure! I can't wait to return with another group!" ~ Junia Imel (
"As a tour manager, I bring small groups to Occitania every year, every year I hire Anneke as our local guide and every year I learn something new from her! Her relentless study of the esoteric and known history of the area adds so much depth to her guiding and because she lives there, her intimate knowledge of all the nooks and crannies really makes my tours special." ~ Tina Hartzell (
"Anneke is a treasure-trove of knowledge about her beloved Occitania which she imparts with eloquence, humour, and passion. For one week she was the guide for my group of visitors from many countries whom she delighted with her talks on history, mythology, and invaluable local knowledge. She enriched their experience of this amazing part of the world and I could not have wished for a better guide. ~ Mara Freeman, Owner, Celtic Spirit Journeys (

"Anneke is a natural story-teller and a born historian. She knows all the facts and details of intriguing Cathar Country and reproduces them in breath taking stories like nobody else can. Anneke is a unique, unparralled guide. Her tours are not only full of facts and dates, but when you’re open for it she will also share the spiritual wisdom of this area – and more. Many thanks for your support on my path. ~ Harriët Kroon, Founder of the Divine Plan Healing School (
"I guide people through initiatory experiences at powerful places through out the world. This year's sacred journey was to the south of France. While the focus was on the teachings of Mary Magdalene, I was looking for a local tour guide who understood the mysteries well beyond the stories of Mary Magdalene. I was so fortunate to find Anneke Koremans, a local tour guide that exceeded my expectations. She's a joy to be with, a beautiful, kind presence with a big heart. As I've been a student of esoteric studies for over 20 years, I appreciate her vast knowledge of the gnosis, and her in-depth research provides such a solid foundation for her work and what she teaches. The south of France is filled with mystery far beyond Mary Magdalene, and I believe that Anneke holds the key that is unlocking the wisdom that has been held in secret for so long. Anneke also added to our initiatory experience by offering songs where her beautiful voice and ancient lyrics invoked the presence of the Divine. She is a treasure, and I'm looking forward to working with her again in the near future. ~ Trista Haggerty ( /
"Having Anneke lead our tour was like a breath of fresh air. Not only is Anneke extremely knowledgeable about the history, lore and myths of the beautiful Languedoc region of France, but you will feel like you are traveling with your good friend. Her ability to make people feel at ease, lighthearted, and enjoying some good laughs, is a combination that is rare to find and what makes Anneke an exceptional tour guide. I will be back again.” ~ Maureen Lamb Liedtke, Owner, MaurChi (
"What a delight to reconnect with Anneke Koremans again last week in Belvaines, France. Anneke had taken a group of mine on a tour of the Sacred Mary Magdalen sites last October. I loved the tour so much, I invited two friends to join me there again this month. The weather was cold and rainy, so Anneke suggested we head south where there was a chance of more sun. She navigated us up a winding mountain road to a the beautiful Abbey of St. Michael. She sang for us in the sanctuary and her voice is quite Divine. She is so full of wisdom and love that being with her makes my heart sing! Thank you Anneke…. I’ll be back again as soon as I can." ~ Patti Ashley (
"I've had an interest in this part of the world since I was in my teens, particularly the stories of Rennes-le-chateau and Montsegur, so of course when I finally got to Occitania they were on my list of must-sees. There are quite a few guides in the area but when I saw Anneke's photo I just had the feeling these were the 'right' people for us. I'm so glad I went with my intuition, we only had 4 days to do a whirlwind tour, and while I'm interested in the stories of hidden treasures, Mary Magdalene and the Cathars, I'm also a plain history, geology and biology geek, and also wanted to experience some of the present day lifestyle in the area as well as the past, so we gave them our wish list and they put together a custom tour for us. Anneke has an in depth knowledge of the history in this beautiful place so was able to point out the remnants of a world now gone and paint a very vivid picture of life as it was over the last few thousand years. It was good to be able to have conversations about the Cathars and their history but also to hear about the Troubadours and the various politics and populations that have occupied this region since ancient times. While we covered quite a lot of ground (both geographical and informative) in our short tour we had enough time to take photos and to soak up the atmosphere in each of the places we went to. We were well looked after on our tour with Anneke and Peter providing us with walking poles for the trek up Montsegur, and keeping us fed and watered (or wined) along the journey in style... thanks for introducing us to Blanquette de Limoux Peter! Both Anneke and Peter have a breadth of knowledge of this area that meant not only were many of our curiosities fulfilled, but we also had a journey that fed our spirits and left us with a strong desire to return to this magical land. I treasure the friendships made with you two and hope to see you again in the spring of 2019" ~ Susan Attwell, New Zealand
"My parents and l spent a week in Cathar country four years ago and had a wonderful time thanks to our guide Anneke Koremans. Anneke is so passionate about this land and its history, she lives and breathes it. If you want to be guided in to the depth and heart of the Languedoc with its rich and varied stories no one could do it better. We highly recommend Anneke, she certainly gives everything she has to her work, it was a real pleasure to spend time with her and to visit such amazing places." ~ Craig, Margaret and John Irving, Owners, Sunnymeade Garden, Victoria, Australia (
"Since the age of fifty I have been taking trips around the world. I am now 73 years old with many incredible memories. The most memorable was my trip to Cathar country with Anneke. That trip was magical and mystical far beyond the common experience." ~ Gloria Davis
"Some twelve years ago my personal quest for inner wisdom and inner strength brought me to Ornolac/Ussat-les-Bains in Occitanie/France, village of the medieval Cathars with their caves for initiations. At this spiritual halting-place I met Anneke Koremans, who helps me with her knowledge – cognitive and spiritual- which deepens my search. She was and is my personal ¨lady with the lamp¨. Thank you Anneke!" ~ Willem Kramer (Maison Antonin Gadal, Ornolac-Ussat-les-Bains)
"My name is Jaap Rameijer and I have lived for over 17 years in Rennes-le-Chateau, in the estate of Les Labadous. I have guided, just like Anneke, hundreds of people, coming from all over the world, who visited this very special area. The land of the Cathars, of Mary Magdalene, of magic and mysteries, of treasures, a pure land with a very special, healing energy. I wrote several books, about Rennes-le-Chateau, about Mary Magdalene, about the Cathars, about Orbs and about a boy named Jamie. Anneke and I have been very good friends for a long time. She is a very likable, charming woman. Some-one who knows the area like no other person and who loves to take you the all the magical, powerful places. She will tell wonderful stories, captivating stories, making you love the area all the more. And wanting to come back." ~ Jaap Rameijer, writer, photographer, coach, guide and lecturer ( -


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